After a review of my spending for 2023, it seems that I spent more than $20,000 on groceries and/or eating out and another $20,000 was spent on random purchases. Since transitioning to a plant-based diet over the past 4 months, I have already significantly reduced what I spend on restaurants since we eat mostly at home now. Now it’s time to significantly reduce other spending.

For too long it’s been my habit to pay the minimum payments on my bills and then just keep swiping my debit card until nothing is left in my checking account. My spending has been out if control. Over the past few years, I have taken control of my eating habits and health. Now it’s time to take control of my finances. I am committing to a spending fast for 2024. I will only buy what is necessary this year and pay down my debt every month. I recently read Debt-Free Living by Anna Newell Jones and will use some of her strategies. Last year I committed to tracking everything that I ate which resulted in me crushing my weight loss goals. This year I commit to writing down every dollar that I spend. Knowing that I have to write it down will deter me from spending mindlessly just like recording everything that I ate, deterred me from eating mindlessly.